God Moments: Stories of How God is Working in the Lives of Women of Faith - Series Introduction

God Moments: Stories of How God is Working in the Lives of Women of Faith - Series Introduction

What if we were to look at stories around us and find God’s faithfulness in midst of these stories just like we do when we open up the Word? … Looking at our fellow sisters in Christ and hearing their stories may just be the dose of perspective and inspiration we need to live the way we are called to.

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To the Woman who Feels Everything

To the Woman who Feels Everything

You know who you are – you feel it all. You feel the pains of your broken family, friends, and neighbors –you carry them. I do too.

You persist in your love for the people who slam doors in your face left and right. You care for the people you know don’t care for you back.

Your acts of service and thoughtfulness often go unnoticed and unthanked.

Your capacity for compassion is great, deep, heavy.

When someone confides in you, you actually feel what they’re feeling. You listen with your heart.

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