Finding Peace Amidst Temper Tantrums

Finding Peace Amidst Temper Tantrums

My son is two. [Insert automatic sympathy/condolences here]

Actually, it hasn’t been terrible; it hasn’t been nearly as bad as I expected. Most days I want him to stay two forever! Learning to talk and the innocence of his actions melt my heart. But boy does he have his DAYS. Days where the theme of our life is tantrum after tantrum, triggered by either too many emotions going on in his little head at once or not getting his way.

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Preparing your Heart for a Rough Season Ahead

Preparing your Heart for a Rough Season Ahead

I scanned the detailed list of my husbands upcoming work engagements and I began to feel the stress and anxiety pile on.

We have a baby one month and then he leaves for TDY the next, and another the following month, and again the following month. Multiple TDY’s occupying 4 back-to-back months.  All while I manage caring for a newborn and a toddler.

Can you feel the kind of fear that overwhelmed me?

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