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Three Unlikely Products That Will Make Your Life Easier

Efficiency is such a trendy word nowadays. We are all trying to do more with less time. How can we squeeze our mile-long to-do lists in 24 hours without sacrificing our sleep and sanity? 

I’m not gonna answer that question… that is a post all by itself (probably even a book) but what I do know is that I have a few products that help make my day go a lot smoother, so I wanted to share them with you.

So, let’s get to it, shall we?

1. Flutter Habit Eyelashes

I recently discovered these eyelash extensions and have fallen in love. There is definitely a learning curve and it can take 20-30 minutes to apply, but they are 100% worth it. These lashes last 5-7 days and look gorgeous. You apply them under your lashes and can customize your look to fit your eyes. Best part? $29.99 for 6 sets! So how does this make your life easier? With these eyelashes on, I rarely apply makeup. Goodbye mascara, goodbye everyday makeup! You seriously won’t need it. For me, it gives me an extra boost of confidence. When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you do good. 

You can learn more here.

2. Cultivate What Matters Powersheet

Cultivate What Matters developed a goal planner called Powersheets that truly makes a difference in planning your day, week, month, and year. Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail”. Prepping and planning is key to ensuring you use your time efficiently and effectively. I’ve used my powersheets for almost 2 years now, and although I no longer use it daily, it has changed how I view goal planning and how I manage my daily and weekly tasks. 

When you write down your goals, you are more likely to achieve them. So, spend the time to mentally figure out your goals for your life. What will matter when you’re 80 years old? What do you want your legacy to be? You have been given 1 life to live, so make sure you live it with intention. These powersheets help me do that. 

You can purchase a 6-month set here.

“The way of the Essentialist means living by design, not by default.” - Greg McKeown, Essentialism

3 - Norwex Counter Cloths

Yes - Norwex is a network marketing company, but I don’t allow that fact to stop me from using products I really like. If you using disinfectant wipes and your cleaning taking forever, then skip these. If you’re looking to make cleaning less of a hassle, seriously check these out! These counter cloths have the ability to remove up to 99% of bacteria from a surface using only water. They are made from recycled material and have BacLock (micro silver) which helps the cloth self-purify (shouldn’t get moldy or smelly)

The best part? These cloths can replace paper towels in your kitchen. I use one cloth and it lasts me up to a week without washing. I wipe down the messy kiddos, the greasy high chair, the dirty counters, then rinse and repeat. After meal clean ups have never been easier. 

A set of 3 costs $21.99. You can purchase a set of 3 here.

Have you used any of these products? What makes your life a little bit easier?