A Faithful Step

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The One Book You Should Read if You Struggle with Fear

Fear is Not The Boss of You By Jennifer Allwood has been published less than 2 months, and I am on my second read through. It’s that good. It’s been such a long time since I have read (or listened to) a non-fiction book that was truly inspiring and gospel-centered that I had to share my review. I have felt stuck and, in many ways, still feel stuck. I have a desire to grow and do many great things, but then when it comes to action, I fall short. Every. Single. Time. 

I’m tired of falling short. I’m tired of being afraid. I’m tired of hustling. And this book transformed many of my thoughts and inspired me to lean into God, be obedient, but still get things done.

So, Who Is Jennifer Allwood? 

Jennifer Allwood is many things… She is a business mentor/coach, a creative, a speaker, an author, a podcast, and a conference host. She’s also a momma to 4, a wife, and a Bible-believing Christian. She recently published “Fear is Not The Boss of You” in April of 2020, and I am so happy I read it (okay listened… but is there a difference?). 

I heard Jennifer on a podcast, and something in my gut told me to read it. Mind you, I am currently reading 5-ish other books, but apparently, that didn’t matter. I bought it on audible and started listening to it and was instantly hooked. 

“This book is for any woman who has ever been overwhelmed with indecision, paralyzed with fear, or just plain stuck. With no-nonsense biblical truth, Fear Is Not the Boss of You is a loving kick in the backside that will catapult you into ACTION…. “

This book was very much a loving kick in the behind. It is not a book about accomplishing everything in my own strength (if you haven’t figured it out yet, willing something to happen in your own strength will rarely work.)

Decision Paralysis and Fear

I struggled for 6 years on whether to leave the military. SIX years! Talk about indecision… paralysis… being stuck…

How many times have I posted on social media or sent an email about writing a book? One day I will write it… I keep starting and stopping. My excuse - time. 

I just don’t have the time. 

My kiddos and husband need me right now. 

It’s not the right season. 

Blah blah blah. 

Y’all, that was/is all fear talking. Fear of failure and fear of success. Fear of judgment. Fear of vulnerability. 


Yes, my kiddos and husband need me. Yes, time is extra precious. But, and this is a big but, if God has called you to do something, your only choice should be obedience! As Jennifer said, “When God asks us to do something, fear isn’t a good excuse.” 

Listen, don’t go reading this book, thinking you’ll get a step by step outline. This is not a 3-step guide to overcoming fear; instead, you will uncover how fear doesn’t matter! You do it scared. Isn’t that the definition of courage?

Photo by colton strickland on Unsplash

Be Strong and Courageous

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9

According to my friend Merriam-Webster, Courage is the mental, or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. Imagine what your life would look like if you were living a courageous and obedient life. I know my book would already be written. 

How about you? 

Ultimately, the point isn’t to beat your fear but to acknowledge your fear and lean into God and trust His plan. If I were ever stuck in a situation, paralyzed with pressing forward, I would 100% want Jennifer beside me to remind me of His truth and push me forward. Since that probably won’t happen, this book is/was that push (thanks, Jennifer!). 

When you think about it… what is it about fear that stops us? I sometimes think, what stops us from stepping forward and taking a faithful step (get it?), is the unknown. We don’t know what will happen and how others will react, and that’s scary. 

But be encouraged, He is with you every step of the way, so do it scared! Do it even though you have no idea what it will look like next because there might be a reason you don’t know what the future will hold. 

Have you ever wished God would reveal His future plan for your life? Have you ever felt like if God would just show you the end result, then you could actually pursue your call? 

Have you ever prayed, “God, just give me another sign”? 

Girl, me too. I have literally prayed for God to slap me in the face with a sign, so I had no doubts about what I was supposed to do #facepalm. 

However, Jennifer made a very valid point and one that really stuck with me. If God showed us the end result, we would be amazed and excited. His plan is ALWAYS greater than ours. But if he revealed what we would have to go through to get there, how would we react? If you saw the struggles, the pain, the suffering it would take, would you proceed? Or would you say “No thanks, I’m fine right here”?

Maybe, just maybe, not revealing the full picture is another gift or blessing from God. So, instead of focusing more on fear and giving it more attention than it deserves, recognize that fear does not matter. Instead, it is a muscle that you train by being courageous over and over again.

If that isn’t enough to persuade you to read, maybe these truth nuggets will. 

  • Fear won’t hold up in the court of Christ.

  • If the enemy can’t discourage you, he will do his best to distract you. 

  • Procrastination is the arrogant assumption that God owes you another chance to do tomorrow what he gave you the chance to do today (read that one again). 

  • God can’t steer a parked car (so… are you sitting in a parked car, or have you started driving?)

Who Is This Book For?

This book really is for any woman, but I know some of you may question, really? 

So, don’t read this book if,

  • You would rather stay comfortable than be challenged to change.

  • You would rather blame circumstances out of your control than accept your own role. 

  • You already live a courageous life, unafraid of absolutely nothing. 

If that’s not you, then check it out. At the very least, listen to it on audible. You will at least get one thing out of it, and doesn’t that make it worth it? 

Lastly, please remember, Fear is NOT the Boss of you!