Finding Peace Amidst Temper Tantrums

Finding Peace Amidst Temper Tantrums

My son is two. [Insert automatic sympathy/condolences here]

Actually, it hasn’t been terrible; it hasn’t been nearly as bad as I expected. Most days I want him to stay two forever! Learning to talk and the innocence of his actions melt my heart. But boy does he have his DAYS. Days where the theme of our life is tantrum after tantrum, triggered by either too many emotions going on in his little head at once or not getting his way.

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Idolizing Sleep in Motherhood

Idolizing Sleep in Motherhood

Entering motherhood I was already in a weak sleep position, so the 24/7 job hours of motherhood certainly hasn’t made my issue any better. My spirit and attitude towards sleep has spiraled out of control. I covet every hour, lost or gained. I obsess, anxiously, over the loss or lack of it. I put all of my hope for the next day in that night's sleep. Sometimes I can’t sleep worrying about not sleeping… 

The problem (or my sin) isn’t me trying to create a conducive sleep environment or take healthy steps to obtain a whole night of sleep - it’s that I hold too tightly to the need for sleep. My brain consciously and subconsciously relies on sleep more than God. 

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A Letter to the New Mom: A List of Reminders

As look into your brand-spanking new baby’s eyes - you are encapsulated with the wonder of their life. Nothing else matters anymore. You never realized how focused and complete you could feel until your baby was laid on your chest in the first moments of their life. Words cannot be formed and your exhaustion is irrelevant as you are entranced into the marvelous adventure of motherhood. Planned or unplanned; this child is everything.

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Deployment Diaries Part 1: Our Children are on Loan From God

Deployment Diaries Part 1: Our Children are on Loan From God

Very seldom do you hear or see mommas leaving their cubs behind to go “fight a war” (using this term loosely).  Yet, here I was.

Whether a military mom, a missionary, an author on tour, a singer, executive, etc., many women are called to leave their babies in someone else’s care as they follow His plan, fighting back all the guilt and pain associated with leaving a part of you behind.  

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How a Deployment Taught me to Love my Child Deeper

How a Deployment Taught me to Love my Child Deeper

I’d heard it before, other army spouses telling me that they were almost grateful for said deployment because it brought them closer to their children. I definitely thought they were a little nuts… at the time.

Now that my battle buddy, my son, and I are nearly done with 9 months of challenge after challenge; I can strongly attest to the fact that this deployment has not only brought me closer to my son but it has taught me to love him deeper.

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Finding Joy in Our Children

Finding Joy in Our Children

Loving our children is almost always an instinctual, easy thing to do. I’d argue that loving your children is life’s most natural form of love. Yet, through countless screaming hours and fussy seasons of my son’s life I’ve learned that while loving him was easy, finding joy in him all the time is not.

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