Idolizing Sleep in Motherhood

Idolizing Sleep in Motherhood

Entering motherhood I was already in a weak sleep position, so the 24/7 job hours of motherhood certainly hasn’t made my issue any better. My spirit and attitude towards sleep has spiraled out of control. I covet every hour, lost or gained. I obsess, anxiously, over the loss or lack of it. I put all of my hope for the next day in that night's sleep. Sometimes I can’t sleep worrying about not sleeping… 

The problem (or my sin) isn’t me trying to create a conducive sleep environment or take healthy steps to obtain a whole night of sleep - it’s that I hold too tightly to the need for sleep. My brain consciously and subconsciously relies on sleep more than God. 

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Preparing your Heart for a Rough Season Ahead

Preparing your Heart for a Rough Season Ahead

I scanned the detailed list of my husbands upcoming work engagements and I began to feel the stress and anxiety pile on.

We have a baby one month and then he leaves for TDY the next, and another the following month, and again the following month. Multiple TDY’s occupying 4 back-to-back months.  All while I manage caring for a newborn and a toddler.

Can you feel the kind of fear that overwhelmed me?

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