A Faithful Step

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My Labor and Delivery Story: Daniel

On The Day You Were Born, Daniel E. Cline

On the day you were born, I woke up around 3:37 am with slight cramping and an urge to use the bathroom. I awkwardly rolled off the bed, and slowly, painfully, walked to the bathroom. 

After using the bathroom, I decided to try and lay back down to see if the cramping would subside. After all, that's what most doctors and research told me to do if I thought I was going into labor. I laid down, and after a minute or two, I realized I wouldn't be able to sleep. I was too uncomfortable--my back had an unrelenting ache, and soaking in hot water was my only reprieve. 

After questioning my sanity for taking a bath at 3:30 in the morning (who does that?) I decided to make my way into the bathroom. I could sleep in the tub if I needed to. 

Unlike when I was pregnant with your sister, pregnancy with you was a little more difficult. The last few weeks left me sore all over. Pain, probably from carrying too much weight and overextending myself with your big sister (and still working out). The bathtub became my favorite place to be. I even joked with your daddy that I would be giving birth in this tub. 

As I made my way to the bathroom, your dad woke up enough to ask if I was okay.

"Yea, I'm just going to soak in the tub," I responded. He rolled over and went right back to sleep. 

With my large jug of ice water and my phone on the ledge, I stepped into the bath ready to just relax. As I stepped in, my entire body began to shake. I considered the idea I could possibly be going through transition but naively decided I was simply cold. I played my labor playlist that was loaded with my favorite Christian worship songs, and I immersed my body as deep as possible under the extremely hot water.

I soaked in the tub for a half an hour thinking over the day to come. I didn't want to wake up your dad; he had an upgrade flight that afternoon, and I didn't want to interfere. Naively, I thought I would have the rest of the day to prepare for potential labor. 

Every couple of minutes, I found my body tensing up, and my breathing becoming heavier. I had an inkling labor was beginning, but I was truly in denial. I didn't want to believe I could be in labor even though it was 2 days past your due date.

Due Date Bump 6/17/2020

I believed you were going to be evicted, just like your sister. Natalie had to be induced, and there was no way I would be “lucky” enough to go into labor naturally.

I had no idea what it was like to go into labor naturally.

I googled a contraction timer and started timing my contractions. Every 2 minutes, 30-50 seconds long…. uh oh. This was it!

After about 30-35 minutes, I realized that maybe labor was actually beginning. Being too lazy to get out of the tub, I called your dad on his phone, no answer. I texted him, again no response. I forced myself to stand up, open the door, and call out to your dad. 

After 1 or 2 calls, he came to the bathroom, where I told him I believed labor was starting. He looked at the timer and agreed and convinced me to call the doctor's office. 

It was around 0415 - 0430 when I called the clinic and told the doctor what was going on. He encouraged me to go into the hospital whenever I was ready, There was no rush or concern whatsoever. Next, I called a dear friend who agreed to watch Natalie for us if we went into labor before my parents arrived. 

By this point, the contractions were increasingly painful, and I could no longer talk through them. I had to breathe deeply and moan my way through each one. 

Doven groggily answered, and instantly I told her "I think I'm going into labor, I'm about to experience a contraction, so I'm not going to speak for about a minute…" and then I started moaning in a low deep tone, breathing through a more painful contraction that radiated in my lower back. Once the contraction was over, I knew I had only about 2 minutes before the next one would begin. I explained to Doven what was going on, and she agreed to come right over. 

While I was talking to Doven, your dad was hurriedly going through the house packing his hospital bag. Like me, he thought we would have to be induced, so he never thought to prepare (despite me reminding him on multiple occasions). 

After I hung up with Doven, I decided it would probably be best to climb out of the tub or else I would never leave. While still in the tub, I began feeling nauseous and called for your dad's help. He brought me the trash can, and my body released what was mainly water that I had just consumed. 

Another sign that labor was escalating. 

Begrudgingly, with your dad's help, I climbed out of the tub and entered the bedroom. 

Another contraction. The contractions were coming much quicker now and much more intensely. No longer soothed by hot water, I immediately dropped to all fours and moaned my way through the pain. The low, deep, almost cow-like moans were my way of ensuring my body did not tense up. My lower back ached in pain. There was no reprieve from the back labor, and my spirit began to deflate. I had no idea how I was going to make it through this labor. 

In between contractions, I put on the black hospital gown I had purchased for labor. I remained on the floor, on all fours until it was time to depart. 

0500 - Doven finally arrived in record-setting time. She retrieved some Gatorade for me and again, my body decided to retch the little fluid I had just consumed.

Mentally, I was trying to prepare for a long labor ahead. Although I saw the signs of transition and imminent labor, my mind believed I wasn't "lucky" enough to have a quick labor. 

Finally, it was time to go. 

In between contractions, I quickly waddled out of the front door, warning your dad I wouldn't be able to sit in the front seat. The pain in my back was too much to bear. I needed to be on my knees. I climbed into the back seat, on my knees, and grabbed hold of the headrest. 

The 5 min drive felt long, with each start, stop or bump magnifying the pain I felt in my back. Your dad may have accidentally cut a red light on his way to the hospital. Phone in one hand, steering wheel in the other, he called Labor and Delivery to let them know we were on our way. 

Pulling up to the ER entrance, your dad left me in the car to go get a wheelchair, I opened up the back door and slowly tried to exit the back seat. The contractions were much closer now. I moaned through one as I waited for your father to return with the wheelchair. When he arrived, I tried to sit down, but the back pain made it impossible, so he slowly trailed behind me as we walked inside just to be stopped by the ER nurse.

For whatever reason, she decided she needed to call upstairs to L&D, so I was forced to wait, moaning loudly in the ER waiting room.

When she got off the phone, she came over to lead us to L&D. 

"You need to sit in the wheelchair," the nurse proclaimed, not allowing me to move any further. 

"I can't, it hurts too much,'' I responded, looking at her and the wheelchair your dad was holding. 

"It's hospital policy." She really had no idea the kind of pain I was in. 

I thought about a way I could sit in that wheelchair and couldn't muster the willpower to put myself through that kind of discomfort. Screw your hospital policy, I thought, and power waddled my way to Labor and Delivery. I didn't need the nurse to show me the way. I knew where I was going. 

I stopped every time I experienced a contraction and moved when I had a break. The nurse tried to distract me by asking me questions, but I wasn't in the mood or mind space to answer what felt like meaningless questions. It took energy every time I spoke, and I was trying to conserve as much energy as possible. 

We made our way into the elevator and up to the second floor. When the doors opened, I stepped out just to be greeted by yet another contraction. I leaned over the half-wall that separated the waiting room from the hallway and moaned without regard for my surroundings. 

I opened my eyes, and lying just beneath me was a startled looking gentleman who had apparently been trying to sleep in the waiting room… oops.

We continued on towards the labor and delivery room, while I announced that I would be having this baby in the hallway. 

My body wanted to push you out. I could feel it. And still, I didn't realize just how close I was to meeting you. 

Approximately 0515 - Finally, in the room, I fought with the nurse to keep my own hospital gown on rather than changing into the dingy and rough hospital gown they offered. With no identification on me (we forgot to bring my wallet), your dad answered many questions while I used the bathroom and then climbed on the bed to get checked. 

On all fours, the midwife checked my cervix and announced, "we are getting ready to have a baby." 

"Is she 10 cm dilated?" your dad asked.

"Oh, yea," said the nurse. 

I cried out for some water and nitrous oxide. I had no idea how I was going to last any longer with the pain I was experiencing. The back labor meant there was no way in hell I was going to lay on my back, but carpal tunnel in my wrists made me want to face plant onto the bed. 

My body instinctively pushed what felt like the biggest bowel movement of my life. I felt a burning sensation. 

I can't do this, I thought and spoke aloud. "It's the ring of fire, babe," your daddy announced. 

This was exactly what I needed to hear. With all my might, I pushed through the pain, the burn, the ring of fire, and right when I thought I couldn't push anymore, the pain and burning sensation turned into relief and warmth as you dropped into the midwife's hands. 

They had me roll over onto my back and, still attached, placed you on my chest. 

0534 - On the day you were born, my sweet baby boy, you made one heck of an entrance, and showed me just how much my heart could grow to love another person so much.